Friday, February 1, 2013

Jello Play

I wanted to make a sensory bin with a texture that W has yet to experience. J-E-L-L-O (singing the song in my head :) ). I made sugar free strawberry jello, dumped it in a container then stuck a few shape blocks in. A few hours later, we were ready to get messy!

He's also so happy to do our daily activities!

He kept poking the jello. He was confused why his blocks were stuck. I talked to him about the color of the jello and how it was jiggly.

"Mmmmm". He managed to get a block out and eat some jello. I talked to W about the shapes of the blocks. "Circle, triangle, cross, star".

He didn't want to miss any jello. His faces made me want to fall out on the floor laughing!

Another funny face.

After, he threw all of the shapes on the floor, it was time to explore the jello. 

Well, this was by far the messiest activity I have ever done with W. It was worth it for all of those funny faces!
FYI: The jello stained his skin but with a good soak in the bath, W was back to his normal color.