Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exploring the Kitchen

Sometimes I think that I'm just a tad bit too overprotective with all of my baby gates, locks, plugs and padding. So, I've started letting W do more exploring around the house (of course with my very close supervision). 

I was putting away the dishes and let W help. He discovered that the bottom rack could roll. We talked about how it was like a car. After, He got the rack out of the dishwasher, he rolled it into the living room. He crawled back, pushing the rack, ready to explore the rest of the dishwasher.

W was very excited when he realized that the baby lock wasn't on the cabinet. He pulled most of the pots and pans out and started banging them on the floor. We did some singing and dancing while banging the pots on the floor.

W is currently taking a baby tumbling class and this has definitely nurtured his climbing abilities. He pushed the paper towels over to the counter then proceeded to climb up. I could not believe my eyes! He was so proud of himself.

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