Thursday, October 18, 2012

Books, Books, Books!

I love to read and so does my little guy! We read everyday. I started reading to him a few days after he was born. In my opinion, it's never to early!

We live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, but I was able to find a few fun "story-time like" activities around town. Check out Barnes and Noble's event calendar! Every Monday, is "Wee Read", a children's story-time. Also, check out you local library. Our library has a "laptime" for babies, which is story-time and finger plays, then a story-time for each age 2-5. Plus, both have holiday story-time activities.

Baby books are expensive, but they are a must have! I take my little one to the library every week to pick out new books. Also, the dollar store has baby books! Who would've thought? They are cute and only $1!

If you have a Nook or the Barnes and Noble Nook app, you can get free or super cheap baby books. I have a few and they are very cute!

This website has tons of e-books for children ages 0-10, for free. My little guy loves the picture books!

Who doesn't love free stuff? I can't wait for our first book to arrive. I found out about Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program through our local library. This program rocks! The program will mail an age appropriate book to each child in your home once a month for FREE!

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