Saturday, October 6, 2012

This little man loves to be outdoors. If he is having a fussy moment, all I have to do is walk to a window or open up the front door and immediately his mood changes. We played outside for about an hour this morning. He had a blast playing with his trucks, pulling out the grass around him and digging in the dirt. Such a boy!

"Vroom, vroom"

"What color is the grass?"

I'm sad that summer is coming to an end because I know we are not going to be able to play outside, go on walks or to the playground as often. I'm a little nervous about basically being trapped inside everyday. Hopefully, we will have some nice weather before it gets too cold out.


  1. I love your blog and wish we lived near one another!!! I have a little boy that is almost 8 months old and he's also a "W" and I relate to your comments about feeling cooped up, our Maine winter is dragging on and I can't wait to get outside again. I have been reading post after post of yours & love what I'm reading~ we're like minded and I have such fun thinking of fun new experiences for my W. I left teaching in the classroom setting to teach at home instead, and learning through play is the best! You're awesome!

    1. Thanks for reading! I'm so happy that spring is finally here! I feel as if this winter was extremely long(my 1st winter as a SAHM). I left the classroom after W was born, couldn't imagine going back. I love staying home, watching W grow and providing play to learn activities. Over the next few days I will be playing catch up yet again. Keep an eye out for new posts :-)
