Spring is finally here! We were able to get outside, breath fresh air and feel the sun on our skin. Boy has it been a very long winter! I don't enjoy being cooped up inside. I wanted to try out a new activity. Homemade sidewalk chalk paint. I have slowly been converting to homemade, natural and fresh in our household. (More to come on that note later) I've become very worrisome what is going into W's tiny body... especially during art time. He has been known to eat globs of paint. That's why I like homemade...if he eats some it's not a big deal. Plus, the recipe is super simple!
Sidewalk Chalk Paint
1 cup cornstarch
1 cup water
food coloring
Stir until combined. Easy peasy lemon squeezey!
I gave W a paintbrush for each color. I was surprised that he was actually using the paintbrushes. He is usually more "hands in" when it comes to art.
We talked about the different colors that he was painting with.
He did try to drink it...but I didn't stress as much as I normally would if it was store bought paint.
We will most certainly be doing this activity again. It was tons of fun! Plus, not much clean-up. Outside art is the best! FYI: It did take a few rain showers to completely wash away. I didn't mind looking at his beautiful artwork for a few days though.
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