Friday, May 3, 2013

All Wrapped Up!

I first learned about babywearing when I was at the end of my pregnancy. After, lots of research I was amazed to find that there are many benefits to wearing your baby. I didn't get around to buying a ring sling until W was 4 months old. I'm a little upset that I didn't get a wrap sooner. W was happier when we had to run errands, go on walks and when I had to do household chores. He was seeing the world from a whole new perspective. He was close to his mommy, not laying down in a baby seat staring at the ceiling. I think our society gets caught up in what a baby needs...crib, swing, bouncy seat, bumbo, high chair, jumperoo, stroller etc. YOUR BABY NEEDS YOU!!

Here are two links that discuss the benefits of babywearing

To this day, I still wear W and he loves it! Every afternoon, we go for a walk. He usually walks for a few minutes then he is in the ring sling for the rest of the walk. We talk about what we see, hear and smell (there is a bakery down the street that makes homemade donuts, yum!). "I see a bird, tweet, tweet. Do you see the bird?".

Who else uses a baby wrap? What type? I've been thinking about switching to a more toddler friendly wrap, maybe a Girasol or Ergo. Anyone have any suggestions?

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